Stellar Blade Un'esclusiva PS5 che sta facendo discutere per l'eccessiva bellezza della protagonista. Vieni a parlarne su Award & Oscar!
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Stagione 3

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 13/09/2011 00:58
Post: 2.698
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 12:23

Che è successo?

Post: 1.144
Età: 40
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 13:05


Scritto da: dciitalia 25/05/2006 12.23
Che è successo?

Nulla nulla,visto che ho parlato fin troppo meglio che non sveli le sorprese che ci riserva la 3a stagione.

Attualmente guardo: Louie (Stg4) \ Medium (Stg3) \ Les Revenants - The Leftovers (Stg2)

Post: 1.731
Sesso: Femminile
25/05/2006 13:30

dai tranquillo...mano a mano che avdo avanti non ci saranno più segreti neanche per me [SM=x732621]

cmq al di là di quale sia la serie più bella,posso dire che per me è questa terza che ha fatto scattare l'innamoramento vero e proprio,boh sarà anche che ora me li posso guardare come e quando voglio senza subire i casini di italia uno [SM=x732628]

Post: 1.144
Età: 40
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 14:07

Italia1 c'è l'ha messa proprio tutta per rovinare Six Feet Under [SM=x732622]

In tema di personaggi concordo con te, Arthur fà troppo ridere, il modo di fare, il viso, e sopratutto il doppiaggio che l'ho rende ancora più buffo e comico [SM=x732657] [SM=x732657]

Attualmente guardo: Louie (Stg4) \ Medium (Stg3) \ Les Revenants - The Leftovers (Stg2)

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 14:35

io credo che le puntate che abbiano proprio fatto scattare l'innamoramento a me, sono state "sorelle" "week end al gran canion" quando le ho viste una dopo l'altra sul cofanetto sono rimasto estasiato!!! vabbe' vado a vedermi la 3a puntata...


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 1.731
Sesso: Femminile
25/05/2006 14:39

cmq ormai non ho più dubbi...a breve mi comprerò a ruota cofanetto uno e due [SM=x732637]

Post: 1.144
Età: 40
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 15:00


Scritto da: Lily81 25/05/2006 14.39
cmq ormai non ho più dubbi...a breve mi comprerò a ruota cofanetto uno e due [SM=x732637]

Ottima scelta, sicuramente non te ne pentirai [SM=x732619]

Attualmente guardo: Louie (Stg4) \ Medium (Stg3) \ Les Revenants - The Leftovers (Stg2)

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 15:21


Scritto da: Lily81 25/05/2006 14.39
cmq ormai non ho più dubbi...a breve mi comprerò a ruota cofanetto uno e due [SM=x732637]

brava, il cofanetto 2 e' bellissimo! anche se il tre e' piu bello a mio parere, tranne che per le immagini delle puntate nel cofanetto che per me erano piu' belle nel secondo!!!


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 1.731
Sesso: Femminile
25/05/2006 15:45

non so come sono i primi due,ma del terzo i menu' sono musica,gli effetti...troppo troppo belli [SM=x732641] [SM=x732641] [SM=x732641]

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 17:58


Scritto da: Lily81 25/05/2006 15.45
non so come sono i primi due,ma del terzo i menu' sono musica,gli effetti...troppo troppo belli [SM=x732641] [SM=x732641] [SM=x732641]

beh il menu del 20 non e' in movimento come il terzo, pero' c'e' l'alberello!!! [SM=x732641] [SM=x732641]


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 2.698
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 19:21

Nel cofanetto due i menu non sono in movimento, ma c'è l'albero e quella musica che ti fa venire la pelle d'oca.
Quelli dell'uno, invece, secono me sono ancora più belli di quelli del primo, immagini troppo emblematiche, per non parlare dell'ingranaggio, quando lo aperto per la prima volta la sorpresa mi fece gelare il sangue.

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 19:28

puntata 3:

non vorrei essere prolisso e ripetitivo, ma anche questa puntata e' stata molto bella.....soprattutto mi fa piacere vedere ruth cosi', anche se nate e' sempre piu' remissivo ed accondiscendente.... new entry OLIVER [SM=x732621] gia' mi sta simpatico....euforia alle stelle....infine bettina che mi fa troppo ridere, e devo dire che viene doppiata anche da un'ottima voce, giusta per il personaggio secondo me!!!


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 2.698
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 19:35

Bettina è troppo toga. Anzi, nel doppiaggio ho sentito perde parecchio, perché butta lì certe bestemmie... [SM=x732657]

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
25/05/2006 20:37

nessun dorma

La puntata piu' bella, fino ad adesso della terza serie..colmissima di bellissime sequenze, commoventissimo il pezzo in cui david va da keith e gli dice "voglio che duri, voglio che restiamo insieme, voglio che ne valga la pena".... sono saltato su tutte le sedie quando ho visto l'attore che interpreta l'amico artista di oliver, perche e' harry di sex and the city, un personaggio che io adoro!!! infine il pezzo finale che segna forse il definitivo tramonto della vecchia ruth..e la nascita della nuova......
infine proporrei BETTINA FOR PRESIDENT, nel frattempo che brenda non c'e'!!!


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 2.698
Sesso: Maschile
26/05/2006 13:50


Scritto da: dado91 - 65p 25/05/2006 20.37
proporrei BETTINA FOR PRESIDENT, nel frattempo che brenda non c'e'!!!

Concordo [SM=x732647] [SM=x732647]

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
26/05/2006 20:23

sto procedendo a due puntate al giorno!!


[SM=x732656] BRENDA amore mio!!! [SM=x732641] [SM=x732632] e' tornata piu' bella che mai, con un nate che prova ancora qualcosa per lei! nuovo personaggio, Arthur, molto strano, ma vedo magnifica l'accoppiata tra lui e Ruth! [SM=x732621] [SM=x732657] trovo anche che Claire sia particolarmente bella uìin questa terza serie, e dimenticavo.. viene usata piu' la musica in questa stagione...musica di alto livello aggiungerei!!! [SM=x732641]


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 1.731
Sesso: Femminile
26/05/2006 21:06

ragazzi anche io sto andando avanti e non so se essere felice o triste perchè mi mancano solo due episodi e non penso che mi dureranno a lungo,non ce la faccio a resistere...

non vorrei svelare nulla visto che dado ancora non li ha visti,dico solo povera Claire...non si merita quello che le è successo,ho completamente cambiato opinione su Olivier per ovvie ragioni.E' stato indescrivibile il dialogo tra Claire e Ruth in Gente che viene,gente che va [SM=x732633] di una dolcezza unica e poi la scena in cui Claire che le rimbocca le coperte [SM=x732641] ...per non parlare dell'abbraccio tra Nate,David e Claire in Scomparsa [SM=x732633]

Post: 2.698
Sesso: Maschile
26/05/2006 22:10

Mamma mia, non mi ci far pensare, mi viene da piangere...

Post: 2.330
Sesso: Maschile
26/05/2006 23:05

Lily, io ho cercato di dosare gli non ce la faccio!!

intese e malintesi

bell'episodio, anche se non mi ha particolarmente entusiasmato, sempre piu' buffo e simpatico arthur... sempre piu' rompiscatole OLIVER.. [SM=x732644]


che dire su questo magnifico episodio, non riesco a trovare le parole per descrivere quanto sia stato fantastico il pezzo in cui Nate e Brenda stavano parlando con un panorama fantastico, e con il rumore delle onde del mare [SM=x732641] [SM=x732641] Ruth mi ha fatto morire dalle risate, e sempre piu' simpatico arthur!! [SM=x732657]
Per quanto riguarda Brenda, l'amo sempre di più [SM=x732621] ha con Nate un alchimia particolare... [SM=x732641] ossessiva e sempre più insopportabile Lisa! allora mi sembra di aver dentito che la puntata che c'e' dopo e' fantastica!! domani la vedro' [SM=x732641]


Brenda: "The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid living today."


Brenda: I think it's just all totally random
Nate: Really?
Brenda: Yeah, We live, We die. Ultimately, nothing means anything.
Nate: How can you live like that?
Brenda: I don't know. Sometimes I wake up so fucking empty..I wish I'd never been born, but what choice do I have?


Lisa:You don't have to worry about it being like my wedding, I had a three-month old baby when I got married, so it was a much happier event, obviously...Really Joyful
Brenda: You're bitter. You had to get pregnant to get Nate to marry you
Lisa: I'm bitter? Who's drunk and yelling at a dead woman?
Brenda: She might not even be his daughter! You were having an affair with your sister's husband.
Lisa: Nate is Maya's father, He's my husband and He always will be.
Brenda: You won't feel his arms around you again. You'll never feel the air on your skin, or wake up in a warm bed. You're done. You don't get the chance to try again for anything..I Can
Lisa: Oh please. Every time you try to have a nice normal life, you fuck it up. You'll never gonna have your happily-ever-after moment, no matter how many white veils you put on. You're just too fucked up for all of that. Maybe you should accept that, instead of trying to be something you're not.

Post: 2.698
Sesso: Maschile
27/05/2006 09:37

Già [SM=x732637] ma più che guardarla, devi sentirla...

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